{Live} Kerala Lottery Today Result 18.7.2023, Sthree Sakthi SS 374 Result

Kerala Lottery Today Result 17.10.2023
Kerala Lottery Today Result 17.10.2023

Kerala Lottery Today Result 18.7.2023 OUT || Sthree Sakthi SS 374 Result Download | @ keralalotteries.com

                                            Live Kerala Lottery Today Result 18.7.2023 OUT || Sthree Sakthi SS 374 Result Download take a look at 18.7.2023 Kerala lottery to end result and prevailing numbers, Kerala Lotteries Sthree Sakthi SS 374 end result, Win lottery draw Sthree Sakthi SS 374 fortunate numbers, Sthree Sakthi SS 374 Lottery consequences on 18.07.23. കേരള ലോട്ടറി ഇന്ന് ഫലം 18.7.2023, കരുൺയ പ്ലസ് കെഎൻ 374 ഫലം

Kerala Lottery winning wide variety Sthree Sakthi SS 374 and 18.7.2023 Kerala lottery these days draw listing. The first prize winning number announced.

Sthree Sakthi SS 374 Result Highlights:-

Lottery Name Kerala Lottery
Draw Code SS 374
Draw Name

Sthree Sakthi SS 374

First Prize Rs. 75,00,000
Result date 18.7.2023
Result Time 3pm t0 4pm

Live Kerala Lottery Today Result 18.7.2023 Released Details:-

If you can’t see the Lottery Result Please Refresh this page and wait for some time. Also, refresh the page to see the newly added numbers.”

Kerala Lottery Today Result 762022
Kerala Lottery Today Result 1872023

1st Price – Rs. 75,00,000/-

SN 940290

Consolation Prize – Rs. 8,000/-

SO 940290
SP 940290
SR 940290
SS 940290
ST 940290
SU 940290
SV 940290
SW 940290
SX 940290
SY 940290
SZ 940290

2nd Price – Rs.10,00,000/-

SY 182033

3rd Price – Rs. 5,000/-

0072 0355 0544 1101 1499 2587 3291 3932 4407 4769 5198 5330 5335 6592 6838 7797 7878 9413

4th Price – Rs. 2,000/-

0579 1025 4190 4659 6869 7168 8083 9277 9383 9658

5th Price – Rs. 1,000/-

0884 6437 8732 4165 1287 9248 1736 1488 5401 4775 4083 4826 9096 4629 8138 3060 2874 5921 1261 0593

6th Price – Rs. 500/-
0702 0948 1308 1419 1645 1818 1837 2223 2256 2339 2378 2544 2560 2764 2903 3262 3392 3403 4315 4561 4691 4692 4860 4909 5215 5477 5657 5740 5838 5891 5907 6250 6284 6320 6726 6972 7052 7277 7300 7350 7905 8043 8089 8144 8222 8450 8500 8760 8826 9164 9373 9464
7th Price – Rs. 200/-
0207 0400 0659 1289 1438 1490 1864 1910 1950 2499 2515 2538 2577 2706 2940 3039 3289 3343 3793 3826 3833 4244 4472 4657 4730 4875 4957 5013 5255 6413 6625 6794 6930 7283 7478 7691 7727 8196 8247 8286 8626 8674 9495 9975 9998
8th Price– Rs. 100/-
0005 0013 0095 0231 0336 0397 0417 0418 0501 0507 0537 0557 0594 0595 0929 0959 1011 1133 1249 1253 1305 1432 1487 1628 1630 1729 1749 1804 1832 1845 2008 2020 2119 2216 2234 2266 2300 2445 2446 2536 2547 2669 2771 2790 2876 2915 2944 3095 3200 3253 3290 3700 4008 4194 4223 4371 4711 4785 4879 4914 4924 4972 5059 5217 5388 5422 5430 5441 5548 5700 5869 5900 5978 6122 6227 6246 6253 6432 6543 6579 6583 6645 6810 6816 6900 6923 7003 7093 7130 7149 7178 7267 7295 7340 7375 7674 7793 7842 7847 7860 7862 7922 7982 7989 8069 8175 8185 8277 8315 8364 8423 8431 8680 8691 8766 8956 9042 9075 9117 9197 9220 9350 9593 9669 9778 9874

Kerala Sthree Sakthi SS 374 Lottery Result Prize Details:-

Prize Amount
1st Rs. 75,00,000
Consolation Rs. 8,000
2nd Rs. 10,00,000
3rd Rs. 5,000
4th Rs. 2,000
5th Rs. 1,000
6th Rs. 500
7th Rs.200
8th Rs.100

How Check Kerala Lottery Today Result 18.7.2023?

Step 1: Go to the Kerala Lotteries official website at keralalotteries.com

Step 2: Click the Lottery Result Button

Step 3: Find  Sthree Sakthi SS 374 and Draw Date: 18.7.2023

Step 4: Click the Today Kerala Sthree Sakthi SS 374 Result View link. (Now SS -374 Result pdf is downloaded)

Step 5: Check your lottery number whether won or defeat.

Kerala Sthree Sakthi SS 374 Lottery Result Direct Links:-

കേരള ലോട്ടറി ഇന്ന് ഫലം 18.7.2023, കരുൺയ പ്ലസ് കെഎൻ 374 ഫലം Official Today Lottery Result Link

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