{Live} Kerala Lottery Today Result 19.6.2023 WinWin W 723 Result

Kerala Lottery Today Result 17.10.2023
Kerala Lottery Today Result 17.10.2023

Kerala Lottery Today Result 19.6.2023 OUT || WinWin W723 Result Download | @ Keralalotteries.com

                                            Live Kerala Lottery Today Result 19.6.2023 OUT || WinWin W 723 Result Download take a look at 19.6.2023 Kerala lottery to end result and prevailing numbers, Kerala Lotteries WinWin W 723 end result, Win lottery draw WinWin W723 fortunate numbers, WinWin W 723 Lottery consequences on 19.06.23. കേരള ലോട്ടറി ഇന്ന് ഫലം 19.6.2023, കരുൺയ പ്ലസ് കെഎൻ 723 ഫലം

Kerala Lottery winning wide variety WinWin W 723 and 19.6.2023 Kerala lottery these days draw listing. The first prize winning number announced.

WinWin W 723 Result Highlights:-

Lottery Name Kerala Lottery
Draw Code W 723
Draw Name

WinWin W 723

First Prize Rs. 75,00,000
Result date 19.6.2023
Result Time 3pm t0 4pm

Live Kerala Lottery Today Result 19.6.2023 Released Details:-

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Kerala Lottery Today Result 562022


1st Price – Rs. 75,00,000/-

WZ 225511

Consolation Prize – Rs. 8,000/-

WN 225511
WO 225511
WP 225511
WR 225511
WS 225511
WT 225511
WU 225511
WV 225511
WW 225511
WX 225511
WY 225511

2nd Price – Rs. 5,00,000/-

WZ 138956

3rd Price – Rs. 1,00,000/-
WN 631429
WO 216974
WP 149461
WR 342280
WS 330542
WT 628732
WU 986722
WV 134492
WW 335520
WX 535121
WY 956966
WZ 327996
4th Price – Rs. 5,000/-

0015 0340 0371 1142 1417 1673 2552 3065 4762 4968 5033 5038 6490 6907 7192 7747 8021 8922

5th Price – Rs. 2,000/-
0111 0642 2603 3586 4028 4965 6181 7418 8755 9553
6th Price – Rs. 1000/-

1881 2162 2236 3387 4491 4732 5218 5258 6439 7183 7767 8203 8713 8821

7th Price – Rs. 500/-

0078 0116 0212 0609 0610 0653 0727 1116 1288 1365 1477 1706 1736 1782 1928 2134 2140 2201 2621 2804 2968 3001 3021 3052 3079 3144 3414 3451 3463 3529 3546 3552 3577 3671 3726 3916 3951 4004 4034 4138 4245 4337 4349 4357 5022 5225 5402 5511 5556 5682 5894 6240 6251 6411 6485 6517 6598 6657 6706 6816 7006 7093 7176 7477 7571 7727 7732 8188 8254 8292 8363 8433 8503 8561 8688 8696 8765 9212 9327 9509 9513 9942

8th Price– Rs. 100/-

0353 0354 0409 0518 0656 0668 0708 0815 0850 0940 1070 1159 1162 1229 1240 1331 1425 1493 1521 1534 1602 1788 1892 1906 1927 2055 2078 2087 2089 2354 2422 2517 2594 2714 2757 2809 2903 3162 3219 3269 3330 3365 3402 3440 3495 3551 3578 3692 3766 3867 3926 3965 4059 4081 4305 4463 4516 4550 4609 4840 5000 5047 5079 5171 5173 5290 5320 5330 5572 5610 5661 5700 5730 5790 5923 6037 6042 6145 6235 6246 6315 6414 6456 6516 7033 7107 7150 7193 7260 7277 7278 7291 7333 7363 7391 7466 7637 7664 7781 7855 7875 7918 8040 8219 8252 8270 8286 8310 8354 8437 8462 8545 8615 8695 8715 8796 9012 9123 9294 9449 9474 9536 9567 9587 9727 9933

Kerala WinWin W 723 Lottery Result Prize Details:-

Prize Amount
1st Rs. 75,00,000
Consolation Rs. 8,000
2nd Rs. 5,00,000
3rd Rs. 1,00,000
4th Rs. 5,000
5th Rs. 2,000
6th Rs. 1000
7th Rs. 500 & Rs.100

How Check Kerala Lottery Today Result 19.6.2023?

Step 1: Go to the Kerala Lotteries official website at keralalotteries.com

Step 2: Click the Lottery Result Button

Step 31: Find  WinWin W 723 and Draw Date: 19.6.2023

Step 4: Click the Today Kerala WinWin W 723 Result View link. (Now W-723 Result pdf is downloaded)

Step 5: Check your lottery number whether won or defeat.

Kerala  WinWin W 723 Lottery Result Direct Links:-

കേരള ലോട്ടറി ഇന്ന് ഫലം 19.6.2023, കരുൺയ പ്ലസ് കെഎൻ 723 ഫലം Official Today Lottery Result Link

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