{Live} Kerala Lottery Today Result 20.7.2023, Karunya Plus KN 479 Result

Kerala Lottery Today Result 17.10.2023
Kerala Lottery Today Result 17.10.2023

Kerala Lottery Today Result 20.7.2023 OUT || Karunya Plus KN 479 Result Download | @ Keralalotteries.com

                                           Live Kerala Lottery Today Result 20.7.2023 OUT || Karunya Plus KN 479 Result Download take a look at 20.7.2023 Kerala lottery to end result and prevailing numbers, Kerala Lotteries Karunya Plus KN 479 end result, Win lottery draw Karunya Plus KN 479 fortunate numbers, Karunya Plus KN 479 Lottery consequences on 20.7.2023. കേരള ലോട്ടറി ഇന്ന് ഫലം 20.7.2023, കരുൺയ പ്ലസ് കെഎൻ 479 ഫലം

Kerala Lottery winning wide variety Karunya Plus KN 479 and 20.7.2023 Kerala lottery these days draw listing. The first prize winning number announced.

Karunya Plus KN 479 Result Highlights:-

Lottery Name Kerala Lottery
Draw Code KN 479
Draw Name

Karunya Plus KN 479

First Prize Rs. 80,00,000
Result date 20.7.2023
Result Time 3pm t0 4pm

Live Kerala Lottery Today Result 20.7.2023 Released Details:-

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Kerala Lottery Today Result 14072022
Kerala Lottery Today Result 2072023


1st Price – Rs. 80,00,000/-

PS 116708

Consolation Prize – Rs. 8,000/-

PN 699837
PO 622924
PO 622924
PR 340143
PS 200543
PT 443946
PU 321550
PV 138347
PW 462407
PX 604824
PY 646484

2nd Price – Rs.10,00,000/-

3rd Price – Rs. 1,00,000/-

PN 699837
PO 622924
PO 622924
PR 340143
PS 200543
PT 443946
PU 321550
PV 138347
PW 462407
PX 604824
PY 646484
PZ 153258

4th Price – Rs. 5,000/-

0188 0492 0628 0687 1228 1249 1433 1530 2947 3092 4222 4329 5748 5975 6605 9398 9583 9793

5th Price – Rs. 1,000/-

1022 1676 1790 1968 1999 2165 2241 2661 2838 3892 3964 4122 4325 4882 4901 6104 6521 6523 6575 6719 7055 7463 7501 7557 7900 7915 8495 8762 8845 9178 9212 9542 9643 9724

6th Price – Rs. 500/-

0044 0102 0489 0497 0924 0930 0958 1040 1499 1650 1716 1773 2002 2053 2104 2259 2683 2817 2867 3023 3034 3388 3486 3929 3971 4135 4280 4626 4660 4677 4764 4779 4846 5059 5063 5262 5411 5571 5633 5640 5642 5757 5758 5872 5934 5974 6154 6505 6525 6603 6721 6733 6741 6746 6770 7012 7043 7274 7421 7538 7712 7835 7876 7898 8030 8102 8177 8499 8703 8855 8946 9503 9554 9612 9713 9803 9851 9887 9927 9965

7th Price – Rs. 100/-

0010 0040 0153 0273 0409 0419 0441 0446 0892 0909 1090 1119 1315 1318 1356 1434 1542 1547 1764 1922 1923 1940 1959 2031 2068 2119 2139 2187 2194 2227 2301 2459 2478 2499 2526 2709 2868 2930 3025 3048 3059 3116 3120 3124 3177 3303 3391 3412 3433 3438 3554 3597 3653 3706 3717 4047 4064 4191 4207 4236 4313 4354 4369 4447 4628 4781 4829 4845 4922 5115 5176 5295 5385 5395 5476 5476 5482 5512 5592 5683 5685 5816 5886 6110 6113 6147 6210 6254 6280 6361 6585 6616 6667 6715 6842 6917 7025 7035 7136 7151 7280 7312 7366 7528 7536 7553 7601 7619 7674 7759 7783 7877 7935 7965 8468 8649 8948 8973 9018 9558 9675 9916 9974 9986 9999

Kerala Karunya Plus KN 479 Lottery Result Prize Details:-

Prize Amount
1st Rs. 220,00,000
Consolation Rs. 22,000
2nd Rs. 17,00,000
3rd Rs. 1,00,000
4th Rs. 5,000
5th Rs. 1,000
6th Rs. 500
7th Rs.100

How Check Kerala Lottery Today Result 20.7.2023?

Step 1: Go to the Kerala Lotteries official website at keralalotteries.com

Step 2: Click the Lottery Result Button

Step 3: Find  Karunya Plus KN 479 and Draw Date: 20.7.2023

Step 25: Click the Today Kerala Karunya Plus KN 479 Result View link. (Now KN -479 Result pdf is downloaded)

Step 5: Check your lottery number whether won or defeat.

Kerala Karunya Plus KN 479 Lottery Result Direct Links:-

കേരള ലോട്ടറി ഇന്ന് ഫലം 20.7.2023, കരുൺയ പ്ലസ് കെഎൻ 479 ഫലം Official Today Lottery Result Link

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